
A cybersecurity consultancy catering to both mom-and-pop shops and high-profile companies. How to effectively earn the trust of both these diverse market segments?

Brand Strategy
Conversion Website
Mordy Fried
CEO, Keystone Cyber Protection

"Our website did not represent who we are."

Keystone had grown from being a one-man shop to a full-service cybersecurity company with several lines for different market segments. And they needed their website to catch all their prospects, from should-we-even-invest-in-cybersecurity-right-now to the we-need-an-inhouse-ciso-yesterday.

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// How we helped //



Here’s how we got to know the brand + space.
  • Leadership Call, to learn the backstory, their take on the market, and their vision
  • Service walkthroughs, to learn how each service works, who it's best for, and what deliverables are included
  • Competitive Analysis of like-minded businesses to see how the other solutions position themselves, so we can carve out our own niche
  • Customer interviews of each of their 3 market segments, to learn why they chose Keystone, what they like most about working with Keystone, and how Keystone was able to help keep them secure
  • Client Survey, to learn what clients think about both cybersecurity and Keystone’s services
Product & Brand Strategy
Let’s pull it all together.
Customized, complete, and targeted cyber defense approach for small to medium businesses.

No vague promises. No poring money into an endless black hole. No slapping on random services and products that may or may not make a difference.

Just practical actions based on your unique operational set-up to strengthen your cybersafety and minimize the risk and repercussions of a cyber attack.


Keystone has a strong–and happy–client base. We gave specific recommendations on where can make a well-run system even stronger, based on our review and customer research.

No exaggeration. No sensationalism. No fear-mongering. And no heirs or presumptions.

Voice: Just a practical, direct, state-the facts-as-they-are, what-you-see-is-what-you-get voice.

Design: Modern. Fresh. Energetic. Clean and Casual. Just like Keystone.

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Mordy Fried
CEO, Keystone Cyber Protection

"It wasn't just the website design. It's the market research (which itself was so valuable), the business knowledge, the marketing strategy–you put it all together and they offer a serious package that took us start-to-end on the project." 

Conversion Website
From make it happen: copy + design + development
Goals for new website/website strategy

A home page that is a catch-all for their 3 market segments and conveys what makes Keystone effective, while  neatly directing each segment to the their targeted page.


Targeted pages for each of the 3 market segments showcasing the relevant offer, so we can give each market segment the personalized messaging and info they need to make their decision.


Have the website do the heavy lifting of addressing all common objections, hesitations, and initial questions to both cybersecurity in general and Keystone's services specifically, so we not only get more prospects reaching out, but we get educated and informed prospects who are ready and excited to move forward.

How it all came together:
  • A strong USP, clearly and quickly communicated
  • Direct, no beating-around-the–bush content and voice
  • Overcoming common barriers and misinformation prospects may have
  • Backing up our claims with see-for-yourself proof
  • Copy that addresses all the key decision makers
  • Realistic every-day scenarios that prospects can relate to
  • Engaging interactions that keep readers scrolling
Before - After
See live site
Mordy Fried
CEO, Keystone Cyber Protection

"The final result was stunning–and accomplished our goal in a website that not only conveys what we do, but educates our prospects and does the selling for us." 

Additional Marketing Material

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