
A new cybersecurity risk assessment SaaS in a sea of cybersecurity SaaS tools. How to stand out?

Brand Strategy
Conversion Website
Esther Notis
CSO, Sharken Assessments

"We were almost ready to launch our product, and felt it was important to have a strong web presence."

The team at had spent months building out a stunning new tool that MSPs can use to easily complete cybersecurity risk assessments to their clients.

The good news? While there are plenty of risk assessment softwares, there was nothing that came close to the usability–and functionality– of Sharken.

The challenge?  How to make communicate that quickly and clearly, so we don’t get automatically lumped with the others.

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// How we helped //



Here’s how we got to know the brand + space.
  • Leadership Call, to learn the backstory, their take on the market, and their vision
  • In-depth software walkthroughs to learn the capabilities of the software and the benefits of each feature
  • Competitive Analysis of 13+ like-minded businesses to see how the other solutions position themselves (so we can make sure to do ours differently)
  • 4 Prospective Customer Interviews to learn what they’re looking for in a risk assessment platform, what’s important to them, and how they’d incorporate it in their tech stack and operations
  • Audience Panel Survey with 280 IT professionals to validate our positioning, answer specific questions, and double-check we’re moving in the right direction
Product & Brand Strategy
Let’s pull it all together.
Strong and clear positioning for Sharken that puts them in a class of their own.

Other platforms are cumbersome. Other platforms are not practical. Other platforms have a high learning curve. 

Sharken is an easy-to-use interview-based risk assessment platform that hands you a list of all the risks–and how to fix them.
(Accurate? Yes. Clear? Yes. Immediately differentiates them from the pack? Yes–there is no one on the market that can say that.)

Product Optimizations that incorporate and reflect the new positioning, for consistent and effortless experience.
  • Guidance and assistance in perfecting the product to reflect the positioning
  • Optimized packages and setting price-points that are easy-access, while still being profitable.
  • A free trial
Strong and clear positioning for Sharken that puts them in a class of their own.

Copy: A fresh and direct,  no-nonsense voice in an industry drowning in stuffy corporate tech talk

Design: Sharp, interactive, eye-friendly design that puts the product front-and-center.

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Esther Notis
CSO, Sharken Assessments

“We would not have been able to get to where we are now without the kind of process and exercise of Furrow’s product and brand strategy. She helped us zero-in on our positioning. We now have the clarity and focus to move faster and more precisely in our external marketing efforts."

Conversion Website
From make it happen: copy + design + development
Goals for new website/website strategy

Differentiate Sharken from other platforms that are in the same tech category,

so prospects quickly understand how we’re different.


Create an engaging mini-sandbox experience that showcases all of Sharken's features,  experience the simplicity of the Sharken UX right from the top,

so prospects experience the simplicity of the Sharken UX (and the ease of completing risk assessments) right from the top, accelerating the sales cycles with less effort and input from the Sharken team.


Give prospects all the info they need to understand what Sharken is, why they need it, how it works, and how they can incorporate it in their offer and tech-stack,

so by the time they reach out, they know it, want it, and are ready to go.

How it all came together:
  • Show-all, tell-all hero that makes it clear that Sharken is like nothing else on the market (because there is no other tool that can give you that).
  • All the features, clearly laid-out and organized
  • Mini sandbox experience for each feature, where prospects can experience the platform directly on the website
  • Targeted copy for more knowledgeable prospects
  • Interactive calculator that answers every pricing objection–and makes Sharken the obvious winner.
Before - After
See live site
Esther Notis
CSO, Sharken Assessments

"Our leads are coming to us more educated and asking the right questions. Our demos are faster. We’re able to make our point and showcase our value quickly, clearly, and confidently. We're getting lots of interest and sign-ups. We were very happy, with both the process and the results."

Additional Marketing Material

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